The Muncher Series

September 23, 2016 CaptObvious42 2

Edutainment games can be a tricky thing to create. A company can’t just slap this year’s popular character on a title, add a little educational material, and expect to get game of the year. This, of course, hasn’t stopped some from trying, as the existence of both Mario is Missing! and Sonic’s Schoolhouse [Read More]

Earthbound 64

September 4, 2016 CaptObvious42 0

Warning! This article may contain spoilers! As you may remember, 1999 was when I was introduced to Earthbound. Right around this time, development was in full swing for the sequel tentatively titled Earthbound 64. Details about the project were fairly scarce, though there were mentions of a pig-like army, dinosaur-like creatures, [Read More]

Saturday Morning RPG

August 11, 2016 CaptObvious42 0

An ordinary high school student named Marty Hall has a dream one night where the evil General Hood, a parody of G.I. Joe’s Cobra Commander, abducts his crush Samantha. After a devastating defeat at the hands of both Hood and his lackeys, Marty receives aid from the mysterious Wizard in [Read More]

Star Fox 2

April 30, 2016 CaptObvious42 0

With only six games to its name, Star Fox is one of Nintendo’s lesser developed franchises. The series started with a rail shooter with revolutionary graphics for its time before experiencing a reboot with a game that might be one of the best Nintendo 64 games. While there have been a [Read More]

Steele the Show

April 1, 2016 CaptObvious42 0

I was in high school and suffering from a minor James Bond obsession when I was introduced to Remington Steele. Pierce Brosnan was currently playin Bond, so my parents introduced me to the series that put him on the map through a couple of episodes on VHS. Since I grew [Read More]

The Evils of Dungeons & Dragons

March 18, 2016 CaptObvious42 0

I used to spend my Thursday nights at a friend’s place to play Dungeons & Dragons with the crew. We’d stand in a dark room around a pentagram drawn on the floor, dressed in blood-red robes, chanting ominously in Latin. Adam would walk into the center of the pentagram where [Read More]


March 4, 2016 CaptObvious42 0

Most games in the RPG genre require players to level their characters up in order to make actual progress. A majority of the time, this requires going out and looking battles, through either random encounters like most Final Fantasies or scripted encounters like Earthbound. Nothing is ever really said about [Read More]

Worlds Collide

November 12, 2015 CaptObvious42 0

When Archie Comics acquired the rights to Capcom’s Mega Man franchise, I knew that it was very likely they’d produce a crossover with their long-running adaptation of Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog. It really made sense considering Sonic and Mega Man were both blue video game icons who fought the robotic [Read More]

Super Mario Bros. Crossover

August 11, 2015 CaptObvious42 0

As I already hinted to with Crossoverworld’s very existence, I’m a big fan of crossovers. I swear that, even as a child, I always had some odd crossover going on in my head. It was usually one set of unrelated characters helping solve their current dilemma, regardless if they were [Read More]

The Land Before Time

July 20, 2015 CaptObvious42 0

The Land Before Time was one of my favorite films when I was a kid. I mean, it had dinosaurs. How could you go wrong with dinosaurs? Sure, it had one of the most traumatic scenes in children’s cinema of the time, but head animator Don Bluth believed that children could [Read More]